Навыки (High Sea Saga)

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Навыки могут быть изучены только после достижения вершины мастерства профессии.

Название Эффект Стоимость SP треб. Профессия
Chain Att. 1 Very rarely attack twice ☆☆ 12 Fencer
Chain Att. 2 Sometimes attack twice ☆☆☆ 25 Hero
Slash 1 Very rarely attack the first row ☆☆ 20 Smith
Slash 2 Sometimes attack the first row ☆☆☆ 30 Bookie
Slash 3 Frequently attack the first row ☆☆☆☆ 45 Monkey
Ult. Att 1 Very rarely attack every enemy ☆☆ 30 Mage
Ult. Att 2 Sometimes attack every enemy ☆☆☆ 40 Golem
Ult. Att 3 Frequently attack every enemy ☆☆☆☆ 60 Robot
Heal 1 Very rarely heal during combat ☆☆ 15 Pilot
Heal 2 Sometimes heal during combat ☆☆ 35 Priest
Heal 3 Frequently heal during combat ☆☆ 50 Ruler
Haste 1 Very rarely speed up In combat ☆☆ 12 Pirate
Haste 2 Sometimes speed up in combat ☆☆☆ 20 Gunman
Haste 3 Frequently speed up in combat ☆☆☆ 35 Major
Territorial Easily capture enemy Wizard
HP Boost 1 Increases HP by 30 Seadog
HP Boost 2 Increases HP by 200 ☆☆ Killer
SP Boost 1 Increases SP by 20 Cook
SP Boost 2 Increases SP by 50 Nomad
Att Boost 1 Increases attack by 30 Viking
Att Boost 2 Increases attack by 200 ☆☆ Rebel
Def Boost 1 Increases defense by 30 Fisher
Def Boost 2 Increases defense by 100 ☆☆ Noble
Spd Boost 1 Increases speed by 20 Boxer
Spd Boost 2 Increases speed by 100 ☆☆ Dancer
Int Boost 1 Increases intelligence by 60 Seadog
All Boost 1 Increases all stats by 50 ☆☆ Tycoon
All Boost 2 Increases all stats by 100 ☆☆☆ Outlaw
Sword Master Boost sword power Cadet
Wand Master Boost wand power Farmer
Axe Master Boost axe power Rogue
Spear Master Boost spear power Lancer
Hammer Master Boost hammer power Joiner
Gun Master Повышает силу выстрела ружья Sniper\Снайпер
Bow Master Повышает силу выстрела лука Archer\Лучник
Defender Able to equip a shield ☆☆ Guard
Weapon Master Boost weapon power ☆☆ Furry
Packhorse Remove penalty from heavy equipments ☆☆ Clown
Thrifty 1 Find a bit more money. Trader
Thrifty 2 Find a lot more money ☆☆☆ Dealer
Observant Get larger amount of materials ☆☆ Genius
Economical Frequently save facility use cost ☆☆ Thief
Islander Occasionally increase exp of island's facility ☆☆ Doctor
Shipmate Increases ship's facility exp gain ☆☆☆ Seer
Hermes Move around the ship much faster ☆☆☆☆☆ Ninja
Mentalist1 Increases SP by 25% ☆☆☆ Professor
Guard up1 Increase block rate of shield by 15% ☆☆☆ Dueler
Healthy1 Increases HP by 25% ☆☆ Sumo
Winged Feet1 Increases Speed by 100% ☆☆☆ Fiend

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